• Question: What make us human?

    Asked by Giller_98 to Colin, John, Kevin, Shikha, Triona on 7 Nov 2014. This question was also asked by conorbr, mnormanly.
    • Photo: Shikha Sharma

      Shikha Sharma answered on 7 Nov 2014:

      Hi Giller,
      This question can be read in several ways.
      Genetics aspect: It explains how we went ahead of other animals in evolution. Advances in the field of DNA sequencing and super computing has allowed us to understand evolution in more detail. It has been observed that humans have few stretches of DNA that evolved much more quickly than others. These fast evolving stretches of DNA are considered as a crucial factor for our human ancestors becoming distinct from our closest primate relatives.
      Neuroscience aspect: Brain is considered as a crucial factor to distinguish humans from others. Researchers claim that humans have an area of the brain that appears to be unique to humans and it has connection with intellectual powers. This part of brain is not present in even the closest relatives who are believed to be ancestors of humans. This area has been identified to be linked with strategic planning, decision making and multi-tasking.
      Sociologist aspect: They believe itโ€™s the society that makes us human. Here, being human refers to the human behavior. Humans thrive in social groups rather than in isolation. We are raised by the society in which we live and its guidance refines our personality, our beliefs and our actions.

      I am really not sure if I have answered your question properly. Let me know if you want to know a particular aspect from your question. ๐Ÿ™‚
